On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Diogene Laerce <me_buss...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> After a sad experience with a system update, I would like to ask
> if there is a software on Fedora or more generally on Linux
> which would allow me to make a complete snapshot of the system ?
> Something as easy of use as the snapshot feature in VirtualBox
> would be great.. But near would do as well.

Well, VirtualBox snapshots have an equivalent in virt-manager that are
as easy to use. But if you're talking about bare metal, no there is
nothing even remotely approaching that level of ease for rollbacks

The closest it comes is choosing Btrfs for installation (you can use
something else for /home if you want). The root subvolume on Btrfs can
then be snapshot before you do a dnf update, update the snapshot's
copy of fstab, and if things go bad you can change the
rootflags=subvol=<subvolname> boot parameter to that of the snapshot
name. But this assumes some Btrfs knowledge, which at least is not
nearly as esoteric and complicated like the rabbit hole that is LVM
thin volume snapshots. But that's also an option if you're at least
semi-comfortable with LVM.

Another option, which is still maturing and really intended now only
as a platform for deploying containers, is Fedora Atomic (rpm-ostree).
This is really where rollbacks are at, because updates are atomic, and
it deals with all the gory bootloader details. The tea leaves suggests
this is the direction for a future Workstation product that can do
what you describe.

Chris Murphy
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