Hey guys.

Thinking of taking the step and putting Fed on a test digital ocean droplet.

Has anyone done this that I  can talk  to/work with to save time/steps.

Basicaally, looking to have a test setup with 3-4 droplets
-minimal ports/services
-mysql on one droplet
-nfs server on one
-dev boxes for the other 2

want to be able to have whatever secuirty is required to lock down the boxes
-want to have php/py on the dev boxes
-is yum/dnf used?
-want dns, to allow me to connect from boxA to boxB by name instead of
ip -- can this be done via cloudflare?

-might also tie git/new relic/etc to have monitoring/backup in place as well

what will I need? I've been looking at different articles and see
different approaches, so figured I'd post here. (sure I'm not the only

I want to get this all right/correct, as I want to do a writeup, and
walk some others through the process..

So, you sys admins who've been so helpful, pointers, articles I should
definitely hit! All are appreciated.

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