On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 19:55 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
> The cursor that displays over desktop icons and links in Firefox, among
> other places -- a little black hand pointing up -- is really ugly.  (At
> least I think so.)  How can it be changed?  
>         Appearance Preferences->Theme->Customize Theme 
> allows changing the default cursor but not others.

I was confused because only one cursor-theme was installed, namely
dmz-cursor-theme (the default), which made gnome cursor control
        System->Preferences->Appearance->Customize Theme->Pointer
seem not to be good for anything.  As soon as I loaded some other
themes, namely:
this choice box became very useful.

> Same question for the whirling circle that displays when the system is
> busy.

This may be better too.  Haven't been able to check so far.

Thanks to all - jon

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