On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 17:38:29 -0700
Joe Zeff wrote:

> OK, that rules out everything except the two machines involved.  Can you 
> use rsh from a different box or connect from the first one to a 
> different one?

I've been experimenting, and it is very weird.

Apparently I can rsh to or from anything unless both the
source and target are fedora 24 machines, then I get
the no route to host error. (One machine being f24,
no problem, two, and no route to host).

Worse yet, I've checked and I did turn off selinux, so
it isn't selinux.

The machine I'm trying to reach is on a different subnet,
so there is some firewall magic in the gateways and routers
and wot-not to arrange for the reverse rsh connections
to work, but other machines I can rsh into are on that
same subnet, so the firewall magic must be working. And
two f24 machines inside that subnet also cannot rsh to
each other, and they wouldn't even need the routing magic.

Maybe I'll break out wireshark tomorrow and compare a
working rsh to a broken rsh.

Or perhaps at some point it will be simpler to find all
the rsh calls in the 47 gazillion lines of test scripts
and make them use ssh instead :-).
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