On Tue, 2016-06-28 at 12:10 +0200, Joachim Backes wrote:

> does anybody know a simple way to upgrade a 32bit fedora24
> workstation 
> to a 64bit fedora24 workstation without a complete system reinstall?

You are changing archs.  RPM just wasn't meant to do that.  There are
no simple ways and as others pointed out the hard ones are not exactly
safe.  Fedora isn't intended to be upgraded live even for normal
version updates so a live image and chroot is going to be involved.

I'd suggest pulling a list of every package being managed by RPM with
"rpm -qal" into a file and then get a list of every file on the system
partition(s) with find,  Now sort em and use diff to find files that
aren't part of the OS.  Either clean em up or preserve accordingly.
Then use rpm -Va to find any files that are changed from the packaged
one, usually config files but not always marked as such depending on
how much tweaking you have done.  Preserve the changed files.

Finally use rpm -qa to get a listing of every package you have

After you have all of that and a FULL AND VERIFIED BACKUP just
reinstall from scratch.  Now is also a once in a long time opportunity 
to change filesystems btw.  Now pull another rpm -qa list and compare
the two, and pull in the missing packages.  Finally you can reapply
your config file changes.

All that sounds like a lot of work, but it is probably quicker and
certainly safer than some harebrained scheme to to an in place arch

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