On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 22:15 -0500, Richard Shaw wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage
> <dsav...@peaknet.net> wrote:
> > I wrote to the maintainer (James) and received the following reply:
> Great minds think alike. I did the same and got pretty much the same
> response. I've forwarded him my updates but I'll attach it here one
> more time.
> Some things I've added/fixed:
> - Fixed DVD +R capacity (had an extra *2 in it)
> - Got subprocess.Popen working
> - Added a very basic usage (--help) output.
> - Switched from a more procedural approach to capturing the main
> portion of the program in a def Main() call and if __name__ ==
> '__main__': which should make it easier to wrap a gui around it.
> - Starting from disc other than #1. I hit enter too early on a backup
> and it exited and I didn't want to burn the first two discs over.
> - Got basic command parsing implemented.
> Some things I was going to work on:
> - assignable disc volume name by command line argument.


Good show. I like your resume-at-disk-N idea, although some sort of
"proceed only after next disc is recognized" smart pause might reduce
its use. I'd also like to be able to suppress the uber verbose output.

--Doc Savage
  Fairview Heights, IL

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