On 07/13/2016 04:55 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 07/13/2016 04:18 PM, William Mattison wrote:
>> The message I'm replying to was intended to be the closure of the
>> thread "application to listen to on-line broadcasts?", but I failed to
>> put the "Re: " at the beginning of the subject line.  My apologies. 
>> On to the new thread that I intended to create...
>> 1. I've encountered several websites that have media needing Adobe's
>> Flash.  "Pipedreams" is one.  I can't at the moment recall others. 
>> What is the best Fedora (and/or Firefox) alternative for Flash?  And
>> how do I get Firefox to launch that application rather than Flash when
>> the host website calls for Flash?
> There is no alternative right now.  There was an attempt at an
> open-source flash replacement, but I can't remember what it was called
> and it doesn't seem to be in Fedora any longer.

If you mean "gnash", it's still around. It's primarily a movie viewer,
however and not all opcodes, etc. are implemented. "dnf info gnash"
for details.

>  Mozilla was working on
> a JS-based flash replacement, but they have recently abandoned it as well.
> See
> https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/10217/sticky-how-do-i-install-adobe-flash-on-fedora/
> for your options on installing the flash player.
>> 2. I also occasionally have to fill in a pdf form.  In windows,
>> Adobe's Reader used to handle that.  Reader no longer fills in forms. 
>> What is the best Fedora application for both viewing and filling in
>> pdf forms?  What about a Firefox add-on?
> Evince (document viewer) works great for viewing pdfs and generally
> works ok with filling forms.
>> 3. The National Weather Service weather RADAR displays have the option
>> to do looping and zooming.  But those features need Java.  I have Java
>> installed and up-to-date, but Firefox doesn't find it.  I haven't
>> found a way to tell Firefox to use Java or where it is.  How do I do
>> that?
> Make sure you have the "icedtea-web" package installed.
>> 4. Earlier in this thread, Samuel recommended that I activate a flag
>> "mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect)" in selinux.  I'm not familiar
>> with selinux (I'm just a home user struggling to be his own
>> sys-admin.).  How do I do that?
> setsebool -P unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition on

Note that command must be run as root. If you are a mortal user with a
"$" prompt, then do:

        sudo setsebool -P unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition on

and put in your (mortal user) password when asked.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-   I haven't lost my mind.  It's backed up on tape somewhere, but   -
-                       probably not recoverable.                    -
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