On 09/03/2016 12:54 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06)
3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107M [GeForce GTX 960M] (rev a2)
video                  40960  3 i915,msi_wmi,nouveau

Ugh, it's one of those hybrid systems. Try looking into PRIME. It's the current method of dealing with these systems using open-source drivers.

When I boot, I also use:
nomodeset vga=normal

Do you really need this?  It is probably part of your problem.

is empty

None of the fn key works

That would explain why you have no backlight control. Try booting without the "nomodeset" and see if that makes any difference. If not, then see if you can find an existing bug report for your laptop. You didn't mention which one you have.

I also try to run:

If you really want to use the proprietary NVidia driver, get it from rpmfusion. At least then, it's easier to revert if necessary and it's much more likely to work.
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