Use ftp to transfer files, but just had issues today in which connection is 
made and login works fine, but doing a ls or trying to download a file fails?

Tried with passive on and off? Did use it just the other day. We did have 
some power issues, since two of the Island main generators are down, and 
they have had 3 hour rolling outages?? I can do sftp connections, and they 
seem to work just fine, but anonymous doesn't work with that. Have tried 
both using ncftp and regular ftp. Have systems in my classroom that are on a 
separate network sitting side by side, and then can not connect. Can connect 
with ftp server on same machine using IP, and it works? 

Not at the site at moment, but will try to power cycle switches and computers 
to see.  I can ncftp to servers on campus from off campus, but from inside 
campus to same machines doesn't work? Don't know if MIS might have 
made some changes??

  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                                
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
  G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer
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