On 10/29/16 07:58, Saša Janiška wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m new Fedora (f25-beta) user considering to fully (after having Fedora
> on my netbook) migrate to Fedora.

Questions specific to the test release (F25 has not been released yet),
should be directed to the fedora-test list.

> At the moment I run Debian (Sid) and have two hard disks: 1x1TB and
> 1x2TB (one old 1TB disk recently died) and have the following layout:
> sda: 1 - BIOS boot
>      2 - md-raid1 (root, xfs)
>      3 - md-raid1 (home, xfs)
> sdb: 1 - BIOS boot
>      2 - md-raid1 (root, xfs)
>      3 - md-raid1 (home, xfs)
>      4 - swap
>      5 - backup partition
> Now I’ve a feeling that, somehow, Fedora favours usage of LVM
> partitions…Otoh, I’ve been told that using LVM on top of RAID(1) might
> not be the best solution, so wonder whether you recommend to keep the
> same layout as on Debian or to put my raid-1 volumes in LVM containers?

Don't know where you heard that little tidbit.  I can tell you that LVM
across multiple disks is terrible.  When you have a disk die suddenly,
all LVs which have PVs on that disk are unrecoverable, UNLESS you are
using a redundant raid partition.  When using redundant raid, and you
loose one disk, you can run in degraded mode until you replaced that
failed disk, then you can rebuild the missing portion from the redundant
part.  Redundant raid is all raids EXCEPT raid-0 which is just striping
of the data across multiple disks.  All other forms of raid (1, 3, 5, 6,
10) are able to survive a single disk failure and can rebuild when the
failed disk is replaced.  raid 6 can even survive 2 disk failures!).

> Another concern I have is in regard to separate /boot partition which I
> was not using on Linux for quite some time, but see that Fedora’s
> automatic layout does create it?

Probably a more historical artifact these days, but it could come into
play if you are using a filesystem that grub2 cannot boot from.

> Sincerely,
> Gour

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://www.linuxcounter.net/)
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