Hi all,

I have a laptop with a French (azerty) layout and an USB Dvorak(US)
keyboard(a TypeMatrix 2030). 
So I added my dvorak keyboard in the gnome -settings input sources
I can easily switch between keyboards with Super+Space but shortcuts
doesn't work with my dvorak keyboard. 
It looks like the input source switch doesn't apply for shortcuts.


My default layout is azerty.
-I switch to Dvorak with Super+Space.
-Typing works correctly on my Dvorak keyboard.
-I try Ctrl+S to save a file on Gedit it comments out current line like
I if typed Ctrl+m
-Without switching back to azerty I type Ctrl+s on my azerty keyboard
and it saves the document.

I have this problem with most apps.

Did I miss something? Any hints?

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