On 01/13/2017 06:52 PM, JD wrote:
Has anyone been able to make this work.
The USB tv tuner I thought I would get for cheap is

If it will not work, what does work with tvtime ?

PS: I was thinking of watching digital VHF/UHF broadcasts.
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This is probably the sdr radio gadget that has an apparently fairly large following on the net. Check out sdr-radio-com and sdr web radio. There's free software on the web, mostly for Windows, but some for Linux. (When I looked into the Linux software some time ago, it was complex and had to be compiled and customized for your system. Don't know if any plug-and-play s/w for Linux exists at this time.) The last I heard the TV that these things are designed to receive is a European system; it is unlikely to work as a TV receiver in the US. eBay is not the only source—check out sdr radio dongles, and also Google for sdr. There are sdr receivers from the $10 range up to hundreds of dollars, some of the differences being the number of digital bits in the demodulator, and the capability of some units to work as a transceiver for amateur radio. Many if not most of these devices will receive signals up into the low microwave region, while many of them work poorly, if at all, in the HF bands without what's called an up-converter.

Hope that helps.  --doug, WA2SAY

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