On 06/14/2010 01:43 PM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Let's not get into a flame war over this. I belong to and run a number
> of listservs going back nearly 20 years. Many lists I am on (or have
> been on) have the "though shalt not top post" commandment. There is a
> sound reasoning for it. While I don't personally care whether a person
> top posts or bottom posts, it has been the rule on this list as long as
> I can remember. To specifically mention another list, I used to be on
> the SuSE Linux English list that had the same rule.

I have said before, not my list.  Ya'll can make whatever rules you wish 
for whatever reason, it's my privilege or not.

However, I've been doing this for a good 30 years.  Chastising me for 
not doing it right every time really isn't going to do anything but 
frustrate us both.  I'd suggest a comment in private is probably a much, 
much better way of handling this.  The old credo is "praise in public, 
criticize in private".

Had the original admonishment been made in private, this would never 
have gone to the list and it would never have had the potential to turn 
into a flame war.

also, if you've nothing useful to add, refer to my prior post.

Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution.
Let us not make it a blank paper by construction."

    --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Wilson Nicholas, 1803

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