On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net> wrote:

>   If they're going to supply a non-free kernel module, they'll have to
> deal with the problems.
I suppose so, but "upstream" in this case is a hardware vendor, who is much
less motivated to keep supporting a 10-year-old card than they are to sell
new hardware. The last update to the module source was around March of
2016. Unfortunately telephony cards in general are way overpriced for what
they do. Maybe patents involved? But this was a $600 PCI card ten years
ago, I can't afford to just junk it now. If it weren't so expensive to
replace, I wouldn't even think of trying to keep running hardware this old.

I guess I can file a support ticket with Digium, but I doubt I'll get much
of a helpful response.  I was just sort of hoping against hope that
somebody had seen this and knew of a workaround.

In the meantime my only real option is to keep running the old kernel.

A Fedora-related question is wondering whether I can upgrade to F25 and
still keep running an F24 kernel.

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