On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 19:05 -0600, linux guy wrote:
> Everything was fine in F12.  Right now I have the following issues:
> 1) Network Manager doesn't have an icon in my system tray.
> 2) Firefox is a bit unstable from time to time.
> 3) Evolution refuses to connect to the network connection for the
> session.

Sounds like NM isn't being started automatically by your session. You
don't mention if you use KDE or Gnome. If KDE, you can put
knetworkmanager (or nm-applet if you prefer) in Autostart, or just start
it and save the session. For Gnome, I don't know.

If you configured the network outside NM, that's why Evo thinks it's not
connected. This might also be affecting FF (both of these apps ask NM if
the connection is up, and believe the answer it gives).

The rule of thumb is: if you use NM, use it for everything. Don't try to
mix and match. Specifically, make sure NM is controlling the interfaces
you use.


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