2017-08-15 11:32 GMT-06:00 Beartooth <bearto...@comcast.net>:
>                        It demanded an i386, 32-bit .iso;
>          and I did finally manage, after a lot of
>          grief, to get it to seem to finish an
>          installation. Upon rebooting, it says only
>          that it can't boot what it has!

I'm running Fedora 26 with Openbox on a X40. To install Fedora in it I
used the 32bit Everything Netinstall iso [0].

I only installed the Custom set of packages, later after the minimal
install I pulled all the other packages required to have a graphical

I have to mention this machine has a SSD with 30GB, 1GB on RAM (512MB
soldered to the Mother Board and 512MB on a slot).

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