On Tue, 2017-09-12 at 12:02 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 09/12/2017 05:36 AM, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:

> > [ ... ] Linux, from how I understand the results of this debate, now
> > *better* is getting rebooted after updates. This wasn't necessary 
> > in earlier times.
> > 
> > Would you agree on these last two sentences, Sam, or anyone else?
> I don't agree.  I really don't think anything has changed.  It has 
> always been somewhat risky doing live upgrades, although it's possible 
> that now more programs are doing runtime dynamic loading (plugins, etc.) 
> which makes it extra risky.  Either way, some users have been getting 
> caught by these problems without knowing why, so there is now a way for 
> those not so technical users to safely update their systems.  The 
> default method is safe.  However, nothing has changed for those that 
> believe they know what they are doing.  There is no obstacle for them to 
> continue doing live updates.  I really don't see why this is such a big 
> deal.  I am happy that there is a safe way for my users (teachers, 
> elementary students, my mom) to safely upgrade their computers without 
> having to call me in.

That looks like a considerable change for the better on Linux - and "Elementary
students", from what I gather via Google, are maximum 14 or 15 years old. I
wasn't aware of it ..



>   I usually do the release upgrades for them so I 
> can keep most of them on the same release, but some of them have done 
> that themselves as well.
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