Dr J Austin writes:

On Sat, 2017-12-16 at 10:03 -0500, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> Why is it so friggin difficult to get something this simple, this basic
> concept of starting things only after the network interfaces are up, working
> correctly, and reliably?
> Oh yeah, I know. systemd.

Similar problem here
Latest updates mean that my nfs mounts in /etc/fstab fail on boot
because network is said to be running before DHCP has sorted itself out!
This assumes I am interpreting journalctl output correctly.

This utter, miserable fail of accomplishing the most simple, basic, elementary tasks when it comes to booting a server – waiting until it's network interfaces are set up before launching stuff that requires those network services – really ticked me off yesterday, to the point I spent a little bit of my time trying to do something about it.

It'll be a while before I can verify that my attempted fix actually works, because in my case these embarassing failures are very sporadic, and happen only once in a while. But in the meantime, heck, why not, I decided to toss the whole thing on github:


if this happens to fix someone else's boot issues, great. I think this will work with DHCP, provided that the DHCP-assigned IP addresses are static.

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