On 01/15/18 01:31, JD wrote:
> I do understand that robots are not allowed.
> In my current situation, I would NEED to be
> able to download all the Packages, save
> them all on a thumb drive, and make
> yum use that as the repo, to fix my problems
> with a non-networked machined.

"Everything"  ?

I don't know why you're making things so difficult.

On a system with a functional internet connection you can find out what 
packages are
needed to install the broadcom-wl package from RPMfusion in one of 2 ways.

Way One

1.  In a Virtual Machine boot the Live-OS of the spin installed on the laptop.
2.  Install the RPMfusion repos to the Live-OS.
3.  Issue the command   dnf --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp install 
4.  Transfer the downloaded rpm file to external media
5.  Make sure that "kernel" packages downloaded match the kernel version on the
laptop and if not download those from koji.

Way Two

1.  Do the exact same as above but after installing the Live-OS in a VM

Way Three

1.  Boot the Live-OS on bare metal and do the same as above

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