On 03/09/2018 09:33 PM, Stephen Morris wrote:

I have a network scanner that I have installed an Epson driver for, which until I did, Xsane would not work with the scanner. I also thought Xsane used sane as its backend. How are you trying to use saned?

In my /etc/group I have an entry for saned, but like your original entry, I don't have anything connected to group root.



Hi Steve,

I am using an Epson V300 scanner too.  I also
installed the RPM from Epson.

sane has a font end and a back end.  I can use xscan
and simple scan on the local machine directly without
issue.  Both are using the front end.

The back end is how you use sane over the network.
It requires a saned.socket and a saned@.service,
as well as special configurations in /etc/sane.d
(saned.conf, net.conf).  And a bunch of other stuff
as well.

I am trying to get PDF Studio to use sane's back end.
PDF Studio only uses the back end:  port 6566 TCP.

Since xsane can be asked to use the back end as well,
I can test this using `xsane net:localhost`.  Without
the entry in question in /etc/group, I get "permission denied"
and PDF Studio says "no sane devices configured".

If `xsane net:localhost` to work, PDF Studios also works.

I am writing up a Fedora 27 how to on all this.  I have been
at it since November.  The documentation out there is
terrible.  Most How To's leave YUGE chunks off, leaving
you doing a lot of guessing.

This security issue is the last item before I tie it up
and send it to sane for possible publication in their
How To's.  Maybe Fedora has a place for that too, I don't
know of one.

Giving someone access to root like this gives me the
creeps.  But, then again, CUPS runs as root, so ...


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