On Mon, 2018-03-26 at 13:53 +1030, Tim wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 24 March 2018, Wolfgang Pfeiffer sent:
> > Or maybe even 'htop' - which will you give (among other things) the
> > option to move down through  - as it seems - all processes that are
> > currently running - search for them, nice or even stop them via a
> > visible menu ...
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Htop
> Out of curiosity, I tried that.  There's a list of F keys down the
> bottom, some of which I can't use, because the terminal window uses
> them for itself (e.g. F1 for MATE help, F10 to open the MATE terminal
> menus, and navigate them with the cursor keys, instead of F1 for htop
> help, and F10 to quit htop).  So, to quit htop, I had to close the
> terminal window.

Or just type 'q' ...

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