On 10/20/18 5:42 PM, stan wrote:
> I'm wondering how the people who regularly use fedora-users mailing
> list feel about that.  Which would you prefer?  Unfortunately, it's an
> either / or proposal, because there is no interface in Discourse for
> emails from an email list to be put in their forums, though they do
> have email notification for new web messages.  Would you willingly or
> reluctantly migrate to the new platform?

Discourse, Discord or Slack are what everyone seem to be clustering
around these days. The main thing I like about mailing lists and even to
some extent IRC is it's a bit more decentralized and is easily locally
archived. They're also built around a standard or protocol instead of an
individual product so it's fairly easy to migrate data from one
machine/client/place/whatever to another. What happens to all the
Discourse posts when the next HotNewThing(TM) comes along? Will all the
questions, answers and interactions vanish?

I'm a bit of an odd ball for a young person in that I still host my own
mail. While I'm not terribly active on here I'd be even less so on
Discourse most likely.


Leander Hutton

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