On Tue, 2018-11-27 at 08:46 +1100, Stephen Morris wrote:
> At the moment my main OS is Windows as I spend a fair amount of time 
> playing online games that can't be played under Linux, so I mainly only 
> boot to Linux for email processing, until such time as I decide to forgo 
> the gaming environment and get back into serious development work. I 
> haven't investigated recently the ability of VM's to provide the 
> necessary hardware graphics quality for gaming, but the last time I 
> looked at this possibility the graphics capabilities weren't up to scratch.

This is somewhat OT but with the right setup it is possible to run
Windows games (even AAA titles) under a VM with VFIO graphics pass-
through. I've been doing this for a couple of years now with quite a
bit of success. You need an extra GPU and your CPU, motherboard and
BIOS all have to support it, but it can be done.

Here's a Quora post I wrote about it:


There is also an interesting recent development from Steam, where
they're developing mods to Wine to support DirectX over Vulcan:


I've yet to try it out but it looks positive.

Now back to our regularly-scheduled programming.

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