чет, 10. јан 2019. у 13:45 Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> је

> On 1/10/19 10:28 AM, Hiisi wrote:
> <SNIP>
> I thought uzbl was abandoned like 8 years ago. IIRC it used webkit1
> and that stopped being shipped with F25. Everything F26 and later is
> webkit2.
> I don't think anyone's done any work on uzbl for a long time. If you
> really want to use uzbl, you'll need to port it to use webkit2 and do
> the work yourself I'm afraid. I don't know why you'd bother, there are
> plenty of other web browsers out there.

I have my own reasons to select minimalist software as uzbl is. It actually
helps to concentrate on the task at hand. I was able to use it just
recently on odroid c2 with twm but that's the other story.
Anyways, thanks for the answer, Rick. Appreciate that!
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