
On Tuesday, January 22, 2019 10:54:18 PM EST ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
Hi All,

Any sign of Fedora on a tablet?

I've been working on Linux/Fedora Bay- and Cherry-Trail based
hardware support for the last year or so.

The current state of this is pretty good. If you are interested
in Fedora on a tablet I would advice you to buy a Cherry Trail based
tablet. If you buy a model for which I've not done the hardwar-enabling
yet, you may need to do some (simple-ish) work to help me enable
the touchscreen, accelerometer and to get audio to work 100%.

This may require some device(model) specific firmware files from the Windows
installation, so it is best to start with running from a liveusb and if then
either wifi or the touchscreen don't work, drop me an email an I
can walk you through getting the necessary files from the Windows
install before you wipe it.

Alternatively you can find a device which you like and send me
a link to a webpage describing it, then I can probably tell you before
hand how much work it is going to need, if any at all.


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