
I sent several messages about kernel updates and grubby.

Once upon a time I made 4 partitions on a ssd drive where the system is
installed. I use raid1+lvm

on sda1 and sdb1 I put the a /boot partition (raid1) for a debian install
on sda3 and sdb3 I also put /boot partition (raid1) for a fedora install

on sda2 and sdb2 I put a / partition (raid1+lvm) with label
"debian-racine" (at that time I had a debian install)
on sda4 and sdb4 I put a / partition (raid1+lvm) with label
"fedora-racine" for a fedora install.

So I had two linux installs: one was debian the other was fedora.

I abandonned debian and used the debian partition to install a fedora
version.  I wanted to keep two different partitions: on one partition
fedora-n on the other fedora-(n+1).

Then appears the "dnf system upgrade" and I disabled the my sda3-sda4
partitions and only used sda1-sda2 partitions (with label
"debian-racine") for my system.

Everything was ok untill grubby replaced grub2-mkconfig: when there is a
kernel update, grubby uses  the disabled sda3-sda4 partitions as the /
parttion in the     /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file.

I have now destroyed these partitions but grubby still uses them and
writes a faulty /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file.

Where does it find that these partitions still exist?

I can't upgrade my system now because I fear that the boot config file
will refer to a partition wich no longer exists on my system.

Please help me!

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)6 7892 5822

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