after I reinstalled cups service, my printer not works any more ; I get
this message:
"couldn't start the printer
  please check your printer configuration"

in the journalctl they are some rows that I think are connected with this
Apr 21 10:25:04 pluto cupsd[1023]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST /jobs/
HTTP/1.1" 200 182 Cancel-Job successful-ok

Apr 21 10:26:42 pluto cupsd[1023]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST
/printers/Deskjet-2510 HTTP/1.1" 200 206 Create-Job successful-ok

Apr 21 10:26:42 pluto cupsd[1023]: [Client 67] Returning IPP
client-error-document-format-not-supported for Send-Document
(ipp://localhost:631/printers/Deskjet-2510) from localhost.

Apr 21 10:26:42 pluto cupsd[1023]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST
/printers/Deskjet-2510 HTTP/1.1" 200 5131 Send-Document

Apr 21 10:26:42 pluto cupsd[1023]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST /jobs/
HTTP/1.1" 200 182 Cancel-Job successful-ok

as well I tried to understand the problem I was not able to do it.. :

I looked the configuration files :
I reinstalled HPLIP
without succes..

I found also some information that need create or configure a coups-filter,
but I am not able to do this...

I would like some help in this problem

thank you

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