Yesterday, I Beartooth wrote:

>>  The whole PC is now a backup; so I'd have no hesitation to DBAN it, 
>> install F32, and recopy data from my
>> present #1 machine. I did think it seemed to have surprisingly little
>> storage when I did that df -h; but if I understand better now, that
>> 1.7T is real -- and, I hope, available for other uses. Is that so?
>> Maybe I don't need to wipe it?

        Lish me wuck. My old DBAN medium failed in five seconds flat on 
interactive, and failed again in five more on autonuke. So I burned a 
medium for F32 netinstall, and booted from that.

        As usual, I missed some boneheaded thing, and couldn't get 
Anaconda to accept any manual partitioning I tried; so I eventually just 
let it go automatic. It finished all right, and I'm adding apps.

        Beforehand, last night and this morning, I had copied my whole 
home directory to a thumb stick. Then this morning I merged it into the 
home directory of my #1 machine, which I'm using now. And I'm in process 
of merging it into #3. When that's done, I'll copy it back, knowing it 

        Many, many thanks to all hands, and especially to Samuel Sieb, for 
all the help!
Beartooth Staffwright, Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I know little (precious little!) of where up is.
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