2021-04-21 21:46 UTC+02:00, Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net>:
> On 2021-04-21 11:57 a.m., Andras Simon wrote:
>> 2021-04-21 20:05 UTC+02:00, Frank Elsner via users
>> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>:
>>>> What are the screen lock settings at right now?
>>> Activate screensaver when computer is idle [after 1 h]
>>> Lock screen when screensaver is active [Yes]
>> Just a shot in the dark, but how long is your computer suspended
>> before you wake it up? If it's less then an hour, then maybe the
>> screensaver just hasn't started yet.
> I don't know about other environments, but Gnome locks the screen before
> activating the suspend.  And I've never seen anything else on any other
> platform.

I've just suspended and then woke up my laptop (Fedora 32, Xfce) and
the screen wasn't locked. (This doesn't happen when it's suspended all

It's too bad that the OP's problem is unrelated.
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