On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 6:40 AM Richard Shaw <hobbes1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) How is your drive/system laid out regarding your paritions?
> SSDs are getting cheaper, but not cheap enough for mass storage for me so 
> currently:
> 500GB M.2 NVMe boot/system drive
> * /boot
> * /boot/efi
> * / and /var subvolumes sharing remaining space
> * /home 3TB spinning disk
> I like having /var as a separate volume because when it was EXT4 I could do a 
> reinstall and format / without losing data in /var. I setup using subvolumes 
> this time before I realized that was no longer possible. I guess it could 
> make snapshots easier though...

The installer definitely let's you reuse an existing subvolume for the
/home mount point (unless it's a snapshot [1]). I'm not certain about
reusing a subvolume or snapshot for /var because it contains the RPM
database which is inextricably linked to most everything in '/' except
for /home. There isn't a very elegant way of dealing with this in the
general case, let alone the specifics of snapshotting and rollbacks.

The installer will not let you reuse a file system for '/' however.
There is an exception for Btrfs, which is it'll reuse an existing
Btrfs, but it requires a new subvolume (created by the installer) for
'/' mount point. That way it's possible to do a clean install while
reusing a subvolume for /home.


Chris Murphy
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