Thank you for this additional information. I do use VPN. However, there is no doubt that Google will track what video is being played, etc. However, does Google still have acccess to the browser information (that is, what all is going on in the other tabs of firefox) if I play the video through mpv? Certainly, I do not get to see any ads, and that is welcome, but I also want to reduce their tracking me. I do not have a google mail, etc account but that is probably not useful because everyone else who sends me e-mail seems to do so from a gmail account.
Btw, is there any setting which resets ip address once in a few hours. Does DHCP do this anyway, even though I think that the interval is for over a day.
Thanks again!
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2021 at 10:16 PM
From: "stan via users" <>
Cc: "stan" <>
Subject: Re: similar software as NewPipe, etc on F34?
On Thu, 6 May 2021 01:29:46 +0200
Ranjan Maitra <> wrote:

> Ouch! Yes, indeed! So designed aka desired by google to track and
> display ads. I don't get that using NewPipe, and I hope not using mpv
> + youtube-dl.

Unless that technique somehow obfuscates your ip address, or you use a
different ip address to watch youtube videos than anything else you do
on the web, you are still subject to tracking. Google has observers
on sites everywhere, and they all feed into the servers analyzing the
data for linking information in order to serve ads.

I think the usual way to do what you want is to use a vpn or tor, so
that the ip address you originate from isn't known to the site you are

A poor man's way of doing this is to use a separate profile for youtube
in firefox, and reset your isp connection to get a new ip address,
before and after using youtube with that profile. This assumes that
your isp randomly assigns ip addresses on each connection (mine does),
and that you use plugins to protect your browser sessions from easy
tracking. Not foolproof, but makes you higher hanging fruit.
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