On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 01:29:31PM -0500, Dave Ihnat wrote:
> Those who want CentOS are a different type of user than Fedora.  They have
> production machines for which LTS stability is far more important than
> latest'n'greatest.  THAT is dropped--you're likely to have to do a big-bang
> refresh on CentOS now every 30-60 days, a no-go for most production
> environments.  It's really screwed with a lot of my clients.

I know there's a lot of worry, but this particular one doesn't really make
sense. All changes going into CentOS Stream are accepted for inclusion in an
upcoming minor release of RHEL. You get those updates sooner rather than
later, but the net result is the same.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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