On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 18:48 -0400, Marcel Rieux wrote:
> YOU say it's a solution. I don't know you, I don't deal with you. If
> Fedora  believes it's a solution, I'll apply it.

You don't "know" anyone on this mailing list.

You're in the wrong place, and I'm not trying to provoke or anger you
with this observation; it's a sincere attempt to help you (though you
aren't making it particularly easy).

You are used to dealing with companies and some kind of paid technical
support and "official solutions" offered through (usually) out-sourced
help lines and the like.

To obtain the comfort level and type of service that you
expect/demand/require, you need to be using something like Microsoft
Windows, Apple's version of Unix running on a Macintosh, or perhaps some
version of Red Hat's Enterprise Linux.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.melvilletheatre.com

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