On 2021-08-24 1:03 p.m., Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 2021-08-24 9:50 a.m., François Patte wrote:
Thank you for your explanations. I made some progress in my investigations: the problem seems to be a change in the "su" command from f32 to f34: my personnal umask is 0077 and I use to log as root using the command "su -". Until f32 this way of doing gave a root login with all environment variables of the root account (including the UMASK). As far as I can see this is no more the case in f34.... Where is the config for the "su" command? And is it possible to change this behavior?

umask isn't an environment variable.  It's a kernel setting for the process.  Why are you using "su" anyway instead of "sudo"?  (I don't know if that will change anything regarding the umask, but it's better to not have a root password.)

Maybe this will help:

There is one unhandled situation in Fedora 34 and still requires a root password: You cannot use single-user mode without a root password in order to fix the issues preventing use of multi-user mode.  You have to set a root password just for this scenario in order to recover your machine.

Hopefully this little mess gets fixed in the upcoming F35 release.


John Mellor
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