On 12/02/2022 07:22, Lists wrote:
On Fedora 35, running KDE desktop, I noticed that I cannot switch to another
console with Ctl+Alt+F[1-9] as I have on other desktops. I presume this has
something to do with the switch to Wayland?

Is there a way to restore this functionality?

Running F35 and using KDE/Xorg on bare metal.

No problems.  Ctl+Alt+F2 is the GUI.  Ctl+Alt+F3 brings up a terminal session. 
And switching back to the GUI terminal works

In a Wayland session in a F35 VM Ctl+Alt+F3 brings up a terminal session.  But, 
switching badk to the GUI terminal fails in
it comes back with a black screen.  No clue how to get around that.  I can't 
try this on bare metal at the moment.  Sorry.

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