Once upon a time, Robert Nichols <rnicholsnos...@comcast.net> said:
> It's a problem that crops up occasionally, and makes people wonder why they 
> get a "No space on filesystem" error when the df command shows that plenty of 
> space is available. That's why the df command has a "-i" option to report 
> inode usage. A filesystem that's being used for things like a news spool, 
> which holds lots of small files, needs to be created with more than the 
> default allocation of inodes.

Heh, I haven't run a Usenet server in just over 23 years, but even then,
server software was moving away from the file-per-article storage to
avoid this issue (and others).

Mail servers, on the other hand, were jumping to the file-per-message
method just as fast as Usenet servers discarded it, and are still using

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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