On Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:18:03 +0200, Andras Simon wrote:

> 2022-10-11 18:09 UTC+02:00, Beartooth <bearto...@comcast.net>:
>> On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:14:56 +0200, Andras Simon wrote:
>>> If he did install it outside of Fedora, wouldn't it be better to
>>> uninstall it and install the Fedora version? That way he would get
>>> regular updates along with the rest of his packages.
>>      I've been running Ffx since it was iirc 'phoenix' and Fedora since
>> it was RH7; I can't begin to recall all the tweaks I've tried since the
>> Nineties.
>>      So do I have this right? I should run 'dnf remove firefox', then
>> 'dny install firefox'. Reboot between?
> No, you should uninstall the Firefox you installed outside of Fedora,
> not with dnf.
> If you did not do that, then I don't know why it wants to upgrade
> itself.
> I don't know how to check whether you installed it outside of Fedora.
> But if
> rpm -q firefox
> says something positive, such as
> firefox-105.0.1-1.fc35.x86_64
> and not
> package firefox is not installed
> then you have a version that is installed with dnf. In that case , if
> rpm -qV firefox
> returns with no messages, there is no reason to reinstall it with dnf.

$ rpm -q firefox
[btth@localhost ~]$ rpm -qV firefox

        OK; so reinstalling is not the answer,alas! 
stan via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> a écrit :

You can fix this by going into
edit->settings->general  If you page down, near the bottom there will be a
setting to allow or disable automatic updates.

        I tried that. Clicking on ">>" and scrolling got me to 
edit->settings->general (as did clicking on the equivalence sign, 
eventually), but I don't find the setting for automatic updates. Might it 
have been renamed?
Beartooth Staffwright, Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I know little (precious little!) of where up is.

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