You might want to think about setting a size on that file. dd can be pretty destructive as well as useful. I like to randomize file with it before truncating the contents. For example, if a file is 4096 bytes, I would use, 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=4096 count=1 conv=notrunc. Just so there is no truncation of the file. dd isn't to be played with haphazardly. Good luck.


On 12/12/2022 4:54 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 12/12/22 12:08, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 12/12/22 06:43, Tom Horsley wrote:
On Mon, 12 Dec 2022 06:33:15 -0800
ToddAndMargo via users wrote:

This it?

dd if=/dev/zero of=/sometempfile

Seems like that would work. Might need to do it as root in case the
kernel doesn't allow an ordinary user to use up all the free space on
a disk. And don't forget "rm /sometempfile" once the dd finishes
with out of space errors.

Of course you could take a completely different tack and use
qemu-img convert to change the qcow2 format file to a raw
disk image and modify the virtual machine to use that new file.

I qemu-img to a raw and then back to a qcows2.
Dump/resore still did not restore right.

Now I converted to a raw and am about to see
if dump/restore will restore back correct.

If that does not work, I am going to dd /dev/zero

dump/restore restored a "raw" file perfectly.

Interesting.  sha256sum came back different for
before and after  (.000 is before)

# sha256sum KVM-W11.raw KVM-W11.raw.000

cbc480f889a9e337ab8b41b1e761da5f7f27ad255ceb29d891f60eba8f9903de KVM-W11.raw

6dbf2d0d893f3fc0b5e529a94aad71770bc971ff567881073c8b8a05d9254fca KVM-W11.raw.000

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