On 17/12/2022 16:44, home user wrote:
On 12/16/22 3:11 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

$ dnf info atop
Description  : An advanced interactive monitor for Linux-systems to view the load on
              : system-level and process-level.
              : The command atop has some major advantages compared to other
              : performance-monitors:
              :    - Resource consumption by all processes
              :    - Utilization of all relevant resources
              :    - Permanent logging of resource utilization
              :    - Highlight critical resources
              :    - Watch activity only
              :    - Watch deviations only
              :    - Accumulated process activity per user
              :    - Accumulated process activity per program

See also htop, glances and several others.


Is there something equivalent to atop that provides graphical output? The graphical system monitors that I have (e.g. ksysguard) produce nice displays, but don't offer all the parameters I'd like to see.  atop has more parameters, but no graphical display (or did I miss something?).

I run it in a konsole (KDE terminal) tab and see a screenful of data refreshed every 10 seconds. Mainly the interest here is on jobs run by user akmods. For me it's just a guide showing when the system should be able to boot without doing complex things while in an unfamiliar state. If you boot before then it should work, but the action will be more 'under cover'. Escape should reveal more.

There were statements here when, 6.0.5 first caused problems, that the 5-to-6 transition was simply linux running out of fingers and toes. I liked the image, but the problem was, briefly, real.

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