On 2022-12-26 07:29, Michael D. Setzer II via users wrote:
Appears there is kmod-VirtualBox-6.0.14-200.fc36.x86_64-7.0.4-1.fc36.x86_64
but not a version for 6.0.15 yet?
Gave message the vboxdrv wasn't loaded, but ran the commands it said, but guess without the package, it couldn't build the module. But was able to boot with 6.0.14, and do the testing I needed. Took a while to figure out the issue, so have to check for updates. Just thought I'd mention it. Had no issues with Fedora 35, so at first thought it might be a Fedora 36 issue.

Virtualbox is a 3rd-party package (in this case, Oracle), so you would need to wait for an update released by them for the newer kernel. This being a kmod, there is probably nothing that the rpm packager (in this case its rpmfusion) can do until Oracle releases a kernel-matching version.

Just out of curiosity, why are you using virtualbox instead of a kvm solution frontended by boxes or virtmanager?


John Mellor
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