On 8/2/23 19:47, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 2/7/23 22:59, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
Have you tried running Acrobat or Acrobat Reader
under Wine?

Acrobat's sub installe for WIodws is a disaster.

You can download the real insaller from:

I haven't tried yet as until now I have always been able to use a native linux version without any issues. I also haven't tested yet whether the association issue is global or only with the daily version of Thunderbird. I've checked the association definition for Ocular and it has %U specified as a parameter, which works for passing the name and location of the attachment into Ocular for the attachment contents to be displayed. Adding this parameter into the Acrobat association definition doesn't work, so I'm now wondering if there is an equivalent parameter for Acrobat that is supported by Fedora, and does the same thing as %U?


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