On Tue, 2023-03-28 at 15:59 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> I was just wanting to see what DNS I was actually using.
> I have this in my /etc/naned/conf
> options {
>          # the following forwarders is Family Friendly Open DNS (no porn 
> sites):
>          forwarders {;; };
> };

The above name servers will actually handle the beginning of your
queries for all domains (they'll going the through the same processes
as if your name server did it, itself), except for any exceptions that
you've configured, such as:

> and
> zone "bravesoftware.com" IN {
>          type forward;
>          forward only;
>          forwarders {;; };
> };

Your name server will pass the task onto and for that
domain name (and its subdomains, e.g. www.bravesoftware.com, it's mail
servers, etc), and that name server will do the queries.

In essence, your name server is doing nothing but pass some queries
here, other's there.

> The purpose is that Open DNS blocks Brave Browser's
> Private Window with Tor's name resolution as it
> is a work around for viewing pron sites.
> Since I do not deliberately go to porn sites,
> I use Family friendly Open DNS to protect me
> from an funny business and trickery and
> me being a kluz with the mosue at times.
> But I still  want to be able to use Brave's TOR
> private window for looking up stuff that is just
> nobody else's business, such as medical things or
> things that can be easily misunderstood by law
> enforcement, such as the common name for the
> polymer polyvinyl carboxy.  (I would not look
> it up, except on TOR).

I was under the impression that privacy based anonymising browsers
shouldn't use your general DNS servers (because that leaks
information).  They should find some anonymous servers when they start
up, and use them.

Look at Google, it's goal is databasing everything.  Tie a bunch of
queries to the same IP, roll it all together, it doesn't matter what
privacy options you attempt, which different browsers you use, or if
you remove cookies.  If you don't want some queries in that database,
don't use Google for them.  They continually find ways to work around
any things we do to stop them doing that.

I'm sick of being asked to set a cookie setting the fact that I don't
want cookies.  FFS!  If I completely switch off cookies in my browser,
it's a dead loop of an unanswerable question, rather than not being
asked the question.

It's been quite some time since I accidentally ended up at a porn site,
some bright spark decided a great way to hook people into their site
was to have some pages about fixing common problems your printer.  You
google that innocent thing, as will a huge number of people, and ended
up at a page with porn banners.  Google's got better at derating those
kinds of baiting page results these days.

> So I was curious as to what DNS was looking up what.

Switch on logging in your nameserver, do "tail -f" on the log file, or
figure out how rndc works, watch some queries go through.  Try some in
your normal browser, try some in your privacy browser.
uname -rsvp
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