On 31/05/2023 20:21, John Pilkington wrote:
On 31/05/2023 18:39, home user wrote:
On 5/31/23 10:20 AM, Barry Scott wrote:

On 31 May 2023, at 16:02, home user <mattis...@comcast.net> wrote:

"Job akmods-shutdown.service/stop running".

That is likely to be because it is compiling the new nvidia drivers.

I use a script to do my updates that waits for all systemd jobs to stop before rebooting.

You can see the jobs with:

$ systemctl list-jobs

After installing new nvidia RPMs from rpmfusion there is always a job running for a

Once that any jobs complete the reboot is fast to shutdown and fast to startup
(as the nvidia drivers are all built and ready to install).

That only explains the long shutdown for the first shutdown after doing an upgrade.  Surely, the nvidia drivers don't need to be compiled during every shutdown!  I upgrade once per week.  I shutdown every day, sometimes more than once a day.  The long akmods-shutdown.service happens with every shutdown.

John: Is your long shutdown happening with every shutdown, or only the first after an upgrade?

When there's a new kernel I usually let the akmods build finish before 'systemctl reboot'.  Usually the shutdown.service doesn't then delay the shutdown.

Today I didn't see the akmods build after installation.  On 'systemctl reboot' the shutdown.service ran for 5 minutes before getting to the (blue HP) bootscreen and eventually hanging.

Simple answer:  it has been ok but now seems unpredictable.

The system has been through many version upgrades.  nvidia 470xx.

I just tried 'sudo akmods --force' and it failed.  An updated  package


was placed in testing on 27 May.  I haven't tried it yet.
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