On 6/19/23 12:33, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:55:26AM -0500, Thomas Cameron wrote:
I have a dedicated Fedora 38 KVM hypervisor that I use for testing, and I
also use my desktop to run VMs. When I leave the virtualization manager app
open (typically overnight), it has disconnected from the remote hypervisor
and from my local hypervisor. When I double click the connection, it just
hangs. If I restart libvirtd on the hypervisor and on my desktop, it
connects instantly.

Is anyone else seeing this?
I have seen something like this, only connecting to the local service.

I was able to resolve it using the fix in Comment 4 of this bug:


Many thanks, Jonathan. I've implemented that config file, we'll see how to goes!

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