Once upon a time, Robert McBroom <robert.mcbr...@yahoo.com> said:
> Put the mount command
> mount -t virtiofs hostfiles /user/local/src
> in /etc/profile.d/mnthst.sh
> to connect when the virtual machine is started. Every time I start a
> terminal session in the VM I get the message

Yeah, that's not at all right.

/etc/profile.d is intended for shell snippets that are run when shells
start (so every login and also when you start additional shells).

You don't need a script at all to mount a filesystem at boot, you need
to put it in /etc/fstab.  For this, add an entry like:

hostfiles /user/local/src virtiofs defaults 0 0

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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