On 6/29/23 18:40, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 6/29/23 13:32, Ian Pilcher wrote:
I am currently running FreeIPA on CentOS 7, and I am considering moving
it to Fedora.

On RHEL and derivatives, in-place upgrades are not supported.  It is
necessary to provision a new server, running the new OS version, add it
as a FreeIPA replica, and then decommission the old system.

How does this work on Fedora?  Will I be able to use dnf system-upgrade,
or will I find myself having to use the process described above?

How did you manage to send the exact same email 3 times?

Honestly, I have no idea.  Somehow Thunderbird and GMail combined to do
that.  Hopefully it was a one-time issue.

On Fedora, you can use system-upgrade.  I have multiple freeipa VMs (different sites) that have been upgrading for years, probably even from before system-upgrade was a thing.

Perfect.  Thank you!

(And sorry about the duplicate emails.)

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