> Am 14.07.2023 um 19:01 schrieb Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net>:
> On 7/14/23 06:48, Peter Boy wrote:
>> I have the thankless task of getting an application written with perl to run 
>> on one of our F38 servers.
>> The application was developed around 2005 or so, last changes around 2012, 
>> the developer is long gone from the university and the colleagues whose 
>> (long term) project use the application know nothing except how to use the 
>> finished system. It was running on an external DomainFactory web space, 
>> which has now been terminated at short notice and I only have the backup, no 
>> configuration information. The last time I used perl was more than a decade 
>> ago. Those were the times.
>> I installed a fresh VM as default and added https and mod_perl.
>> The problem is:
>> The html pages show up nicely, the perl scripts are downloaded automatically.
>> The Perl scripts are scattered around in DocumentRoot and various subdirs 
>> and sub-subdirs. So they are not all in one cgi directory.
>> I faintly remember having to enable directories for Perl. I guess that 
>> mod_perl basically already does that as usual in Fedora.
>> As far as I have found information, everything is based on a dedicated cgi 
>> directory, where all scripts are located and executed. But there must be 
>> another way, at least the application worked a week ago as it is.
> I have also not used perl on a web server for around 20 years, but I think 
> you need to map the file extension in a way to trigger mod_perl to handle it. 
>  For example, if you look in the php config, you'll see this:
>    <FilesMatch \.(php|phar)$>
>        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
>    </FilesMatch>
> You need to find the corresponding handler for mod_perl.

Thanks, you gave me the idea what to make of several other infos I read. I 
added to http configuration:

<Directory "/var/www/html“>  ## that is the document root
    Options +ExecCGI:q:q
    AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

And the perl script /var/www/html/artikel/article.pl got executed.

But linie 3 of the script produced the next error message:

Can't locate CGI/Carp.pm in @INC
(you may need to install the CGI::Carp module) 
(@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.36 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.36 
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 

The package perl-Carp is already installed (presumably as a dependency of 
mod_perl) and I found
which is in the search path

Obviously, I miss something else.

Hello Perl experts, what else am I missing?

Thanks a lot in advance

Peter Boy

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