I don't believe KVM allows separation by video port.  I think you can
only give a KVM the entire card.  And even if KVM allowed you to give
it a single port I think X/Wayland assumes total control of the card
and cards ram (I could be wrong, but that would require knowing about
the 2nd instance and playing nice with each other, and that seems like
a lot of work so, and even if it was done it probably does not work
right).    I don't think #1 will work, #4 would work so long as you
have 2 usb-c converters.

What are you doing inside the KVM that you need to give it a real
video card?  Or does the virtual one simply work that bad?

I am also not sure how well the USB3 video cards work on linux, and on
a desktop machine there tend to be no real usb-c ports (at least on
the ones I have).

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 2:47 AM Patrick Dupre <pdu...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I plan to install a KVM for 2 monitors.
> One machine has a VGA/DVI on the motherboard, and the other one has 2 DP.
> Both monitors are VGA/DVI/DP
> I have to replace the VGA out by a DP.
> What would be the best option:
> 1) Add a DP video card on the PCIExpress bus (and use the DVI of the 
> motherboard)
> 2) Add a dual port DP/DP (or DP/DVI) video card on the PCIExpress (using none 
> port of the motherboard)
> 3) Add a USB-C port on the PCIExpress and a USB-C -> DP converter (and use 
> the DVI of the motherboard)
> 4) Add a dual USB-C (on the PCIExpress) and 1 USB-C -> DVI and 1 USB-C -> DP 
> converter.
> The KVM2 could be DP/DP or DP/DVI.
> I guess that fedora could manage the dual monitors correctly.
> Thanks
> ===========================================================================
>  Patrick DUPRÉ                                 | | email: pdu...@gmx.com
> ===========================================================================
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