On 15/10/2023 15:27, John Pilkington wrote:
My recent posts were about 'just in case' precautions before a system upgrade.  I now appear to have a working upgraded system.  It wasn't trouble-free and I didn't use the live workstation download.

The system uses the rpmfusion nvidia 470xx video drivers, which build modules locally via akmods.  Booting the F38 system with the kernel-6.5.6-200.fc38 did not complete, but kernel-6.5.6-100.fc37 seemed fine.

Eventually, running the F37 kernel, I "sudo dnf reinstall"ed all the rpmfusion 470xx packages *and* the kernel*6.5.6-200.fc38 packages and waited for the jobs to complete.  Booting to F38 seems ok now.  The problems were similar to, but worse than, those seen in earlier upgrades.  There's a related bugzilla.


I just upgraded another similar system, F37 to F38, both KDE/X11. No problems seen, so no need for package reinstalls. :-)

John P

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