On 26.12.2023 01:13, Tim via users wrote:
On Mon, 2023-12-25 at 14:21 +0100, Walter H. via users wrote:
Have you tried this?

If I then try loading the files inside the zip file into a web browser
I get pages with blank sections, and looking a bit similar to yours
(minus the stock photo of telephonists) but then I suspect it's missing
content from the web.
correct; my result was a direkt screen shot from the real view;
First and second impressions are that the service isn't providing
useful content rather than the web browser being at fault.  But,
however, and this caught me for a while:  I just tried expanding my
browser window to be wider, and TADA!  I'm seeing tabular data, albeit
no monetary values are visible (just hash marks).  CRAP DESIGN!
the hash marks was just me, I replaced the monetary values with hash marks;
A snippet from _abrechnungen.html
15.11.2023 - 14.12.2023 EUR -#,## Kreditkartenabrechnung-20231215.pdf
15.10.2023 - 14.11.2023 EUR -#,## Kreditkartenabrechnung-20231115.pdf

A snippet from _umsaetze.html
RAIFFEISEN CardService Umsätze
Reserviert23.12.2023Shop #, City #EUR -#,##EUR -#,##
Reserviert23.12.2023Shop #, City #EUR -#,##EUR -#,##

The PDF references look like they ought to be clickable links, but they
don't appear to be interactive in any way.

Looking at the two HTML files in a text editor, I can see they're chock
full of styling and drawing code, and lots of references to font and
JavaScript files which aren't included in the zip file, but I haven't
seen any obvious data in the content.  It's a huge blob to try and look
through, though.  I see a collection of numbers at the bottom that's
probably SVG data, but I can't read it directly.  I'd call it a huge
messy way to try and display a tiny bit of data.

I hope it doesn't contain any private data, because you've just made it
completely public.
don't worry, the private data were replaced with the hash marks;
I could upload a screenshot of how it rendered if you want, and if
widening your browser window doesn't help you, but since it may be
private data I don't want to make the situation worse.  Your call...

that was the solution but I wonder why this is just now;

I run a VM for banking; a Fedora; in June this year a made a backup - Fedora 38 and Firefox 114;
this has the same strange behaviour now, but worked correctly in June ...

my worksation is a Windows 10 - the VMware Host; and any VMware Guest - Linux with a GUI(X11) or even other Windows are
set with a resolution of 1280x1024;

there I could try any Linux, a Debian, a Ubuntu, a SuSE, a Fedora, a MX, a CentOS with all the same result;

Thanks for your hint;

I changed the resolution of the Banking VM to 1400x1050 and now it shows correct,

until the bank does another bug  ...


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